Introduction to
Real World Cryptography

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Lesson 1 - Hash Functions

Expected Duration: 2 weeks


** Supplementary Papers **


Hash Functions

Core Concepts

Security Properties

Hash Functions

Construction Algorithms

Compression Functions



Challenge Exercises

a. Explain your answers in English, such that anyone reading the answer for the first time can follow-along. b. Prepare 1 or more implementations in 1 or more languages of your choice; for example: Python, Rust, Javascript.

1) MD5 is said to be ‘insecure/broken’. Which security properties are vulnerable? Prove it.

2) Calculate the total theoretical number of attempts it would take to brute force various hashes digests (MD5, SHA-1, SHA256).

3) Find a digest collision of the first 4/6 bits of any two input string MD5 hash digests.

6) Explain and demonstrate how to calculates the Hamming Distance between two strings.

7) What is the Hamming Distance between any bytestring hashes where i1 (unmodified) and i2 has 1 bit flipped.

8) Explain and demonstrate the difference b/w Second Pre-Image Resistance and Collision Resistence.

9) Explain and demonstrate the calculation of ‘The Birthday Bound’ Paradox.

10) Find an input string which results in a SHA256 hash with 1/2/X 0’s (zero)

11) Find X (look up, don’t over think it): md5(X).digest() > d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e

12) Prepare an exercise related to XOR bitwise operations (compress/uncompress)

13) Prepare an exercise related to serialization / deserialization

14) Explain and demonstrate the difference between cryptographic hash functions and checksum functions (CRC32)

Organized by Chris Ward (ZK Chris) Part of ZK HACK